Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Halloween Night
Kendall dressed up like a flapper for an institute party. She actually made this dress herself a few months ago for a murder mystery dinner that she was a part of.

Tara as Snow White. I didn't finish making Tara's dress until 5 minutes before she was supposed to leave -- thus, my title of Queen of Procrastination remains!

Halloween for YW

The girls were having a Halloween party for YW tonight, so they all dressed up with whatever they found in the Halloween box.

Tara and Sarah -- a pirate and his (her) wench. Aaarrgh. Saaaavy.

Whitney and Tiana -- We had to tie down Tiana to put freckles on her face. (Not really -- but we almost did!)


Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute. Your girls are such good sports. They seem to have a lot of fun no matter what they are doing. It's nice to have good examples for my daughter who looks up to the older girls in our ward.

Anonymous said...

Good costumes! Tara makes a good "wench". Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

How fun! What a great idea to dress up for YW. I want to get a costume out of your costume box next year. You guys have good stuff!

Anonymous said...

Kendal makes a great flapper....but what a dorky name. I wonder who came up with it. Anway I think she was born about 90? years to late to fufill her true calling.