It's our tradition for Thanksgiving to go to Utah to be with Rick's family. This was the first time in 3-4 years that we were all together. We had a great time with them reminiscing and laughing. The weather was great (clear and not too cold) so we were able to spend some time outside. On Friday, we drove down to SLC to spend a couple of hours with Theresa's family and then we kicked around temple square, watching the new Joseph Smith movie in Legacy theater, looking at the lights around temple square, and going to the Church History museum. Then we went and got some hot chocolate (which was not very good). As always, Rick, the kids, and I all had a great time together!
I'm thankful for my extra large waist-line because it means that I have enough to eat. I'm thankful for my home because it means I have a roof over my head. I'm thankful for all the clutter that collects in my house because it means that I have all my children at home. And I'm thankful for all the hours I work because it means that I have a job. I'm so thankful for Rick and my children! I'm glad that we're all together again and that Aaron had a safe and successful mission. I'm so thankful for the restored gospel, for my Savior, and for my dear friends.